Showing posts with label Lifestyle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lifestyle. Show all posts

Kelly Clarkson: I'm Not Engaged - But Am Waiting for That Ring

11/20/2012 at 03:30 PM EST

Brandon Blackstock and Kelly Clarkson

Rick Diamond/Getty

As hints go, this one wasn't too subtle, seeing as Kelly Clarkson dropped it on national television.

Appearing Tuesday on The Ellen DeGeneres Show, the pop star says she isn't engaged to her boyfriend of nine months, Brandon Blackstock, but just give it a little time.

"We are totally going to get married," says Clarkson. "We love each other. We are totally going to get married one day."

She then holds up her hand and says, "I mean, he's got to put a ring on at some point." She adds: "But I'll wait it out."

Asked by DeGeneres what kind of ceremony she envisions, Clarkson, 30, acknowledges, "Honestly I've never been the girl to plan a wedding."

"We will totally, probably elope," she adds.

No matter when the day comes, Clarkson is just enjoying her relationship with the 35-year-old Nashville-based talent manager (who is also the son of Clarkson's own manager), especially during the holidays.

"This is going to sound like I'm making a joke but it is so not. It is serious," she says. "I am not alone for the first time for Thanksgiving and Christmas – and I am very happy."

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Jenna von Oy Blogs: The Importance of Mommy Me-Time

Celebrity blogger Jenna von Oy is a new mama!

Best known for her roles as Six on Blossom and Stevie on The Parkers, von Oy is also a musician who has released two albums and is set to publish a book, The Betweeners.

von Oy, 35, wed Brad Bratcher on Oct. 10, 2010, and resides in Nashville with her husband and five dogs.

They welcomed their first child, daughter Gray Audrey, on May 21. She is now almost 6 months old.

In her latest blog, von Oy reflects on the important of taking time for yourself.

You can find her on Facebook and Twitter @JennavonOy, as well as posting on her weekly blog, The Cradle Chronicles.

Jenna von Oy's Blog: The Importance of Mommy Me-Time
Gray and I – attached at the hip! – Courtesy Jenna von Oy

Any mom who tells you she absolutely never has alone time is either lying or damn-near ready to be fitted for her straightjacket! I must admit it is getting increasingly more difficult to find time for myself in the midst of the madness. Now that Gray is almost six months old, it seems as though her naptime is getting shorter and shorter with each day that passes. Consequently, it is difficult to attend to my daily “chores.”

There are mornings I long for a shower so badly that I could wail my way through an entire box of tissue, though I concede it might be better spent cleaning off the drool and snot. And while I’m certain the lingering Eau de Spit-up is attractive all on its own, some days I simply look in the mirror, huff audibly, and decide a combination of deodorant and perfume will just have to do.

It’s the perfect accompaniment to my sweatpants, T-shirt, and un-brushed hair, I suppose. (I might have refrained from admitting all of that aloud, if I didn’t suspect many of you could say the same!)

We’ve all seen the candid photographs of celebrities out shopping with their kids, nursing a latte in one hand while pushing a stroller with the other. I am befuddled by the folks who manage to look eternally composed during those outings! Apparently, I am not a card-carrying member of the calm, cool and collected club. I’m thankful the paparazzi aren’t as prevalent here in Nashville, as I undoubtedly wouldn’t fair as well.

But it’s the life of a mother, isn’t it? It’s wonderful and, simultaneously, dirty work. And it’s no secret that I love it, despite my current inability to remain clean for longer than two consecutive minutes. If showering is so abysmally tough to conjure up the time for, exercising the right to have some “mommy me-time” is as farfetched as a cow jumping over the moon. (Or anything jumping over the moon, for that matter…)

But it’s an absolute necessity — for all of us! None of us is exempt from the urge to take a few moments to regroup. Warning: our sanity may be at stake if we don’t!

I know, I know, “me-time” sounds like a miracle, to say the least … something akin to winning the lottery twice or seeing the Virgin Mary on a loaf of Wonder bread. If shaving my legs has become a thing of the past, you ask, how can I possibly find time to do something relaxing such as curling up with a good novel or sipping tea in front of the bay window? The simple (but, as you know, not so simple at all) answer is: you make time. For your sake and the sake of your children!

I certainly don’t purport to be mother-of-the-year, nor am I an authority on the subject; I just know my own innate thirst for serenity. It’s imperative. Consider it this way: a car requires gas or it risks stalling in the middle of a busy intersection, right? Without refueling, I find myself doing much the same thing. My frustration levels peak and I fear I can’t be an effective parent.

Mind you, I’m painfully aware that this is easier said than done. Like most of you out there, I don’t have a nanny or easily found babysitters. My parents and in-laws don’t live close enough to stop by at a moment’s notice so they can take care of Gray while I “luxuriate.” Not to mention, separation anxiety has begun to rear its ugly head lately — for both Gray and I. I barely have enough time to get my work done, much less rest!

I am my child’s full-time guardian, so my time is devoted to her … and I wouldn’t have it any other way. Having the ability to spend each day with Gray is something I feel both blessed and passionate about. But everyone has a desire for some time to themselves, including yours truly, and I expect that the future will prove it harder and harder to come by.

How would you bide your time if you had one hour a day to do anything you wish? Forget laundry, or sweeping the floor, or feeding the dogs, or eating lunch. Those are all necessities. I’m referring to one solid hour for something that makes you take a deep breath and unwind.

Jenna von Oy's Blog: The Importance of Mommy Me-Time
Writing my blog – Courtesy Jenna von Oy

If I had my druthers, I might spend my me-time sipping a gorgeous glass of Chateau Margaux and whipping up a Cassoulet. Cooking is my therapy, so I’d chop and mince to my heart’s content! I might light some candles and draw a bubble bath, hit up the vintage stores, pen a new song, or work on editing my book for publication (which, sadly, I’ve been neglecting for months now). I might even knit a shawl or begin a photography project.

It all sounds dreamy but, alas, I know none of those things are in the cards any time soon. Don’t get me wrong — my husband is amazing at taking care of our little one for a while in the evenings so I can get a few things accomplished — but lo’ and behold, that obligatory shower generally wins out in the election process! I imagine you can sympathize.

And I don’t want to ignore the fact that my husband should have some downtime as well. He gets up at 5:00 every morning and works until 5:00 in the evening. Daddies need quiet time too! Sometimes, to take the edge off, we try to combine household projects with activities we enjoy.

For instance, Brad often fires up his iPod with a favorite music list and mows the lawn. Combining the outdoors with tunes and physical labor makes him zone out blissfully. Other times, he irons while watching political discourse on his computer. Of course, I can’t swear this relaxes him, per se. I’m often surprised his work shirts don’t have holes burned into them in the shape of certain outspoken, ostentatious commentators. That said, at least he’s found a way to enjoy the mundane task at hand.

My mom recently flew in to visit us for two weeks and I can’t express how grateful I was for her assistance. She offered that my husband and I take advantage of her presence by doing a few things for ourselves. As heartbreaking as it was to leave our daughter for an hour or two, we took her up on it and went on a beautiful dinner date.

I also got to do something special that I’ve been hungering for … I had a massage!!!! I’d set aside some money I received for my birthday in May, and swore I’d eventually get around to using it for that purpose alone. Talk about quality “me-time!” I almost wept with relief as the massage therapist worked my shoulders and back. Breastfeeding definitely takes its toll! It was an incredible blessing to enjoy such an extravagance, and I can’t thank my mom enough for making it possible.

It has been a bit of a struggle, but I’m learning to appreciate and accept the help that is offered to me. I want to be Supermom, but I know sometimes that means allocating some time to concentrate on my own peace of mind. I’m often too quick to turn down proposals of assistance, because I fret about taking advantage of friends or family. I worry it means I “can’t handle” my own life. But that’s probably just my ego talking.

Hearing about a growing number of women with postpartum depression makes me recognize my own demand for quietude. Reserving personal time for my needs is crucial for my health and helps to cut down on my stress level. This means I can be a better mother to my daughter and a more supportive wife to my husband.

I’m not even remotely claiming to be a doctor, but I imagine most of them would be avid proponents of mommy me-time … even when it is tough to come by. Sometimes I think the most selfless thing you can do is concentrate on yourself for a few minutes. It may seem counterintuitive, but it allows you to attack the day with a sense of calm. I can certainly speak to that. I know I’m a more confident and even-keeled parent when I have a few minutes to recharge my emotional batteries!

In a way, contributing to this blog (as well as my weekly blog, The Cradle Chronicles) has become an integral part of my me-time maintenance. I covet the moments I am able to devote to purging my thoughts onto paper. If you’re wondering why my posts are typically so long-winded, there’s your answer! I long for the moments spent furiously typing away on my laptop. This has become a comforting creative outlet that I treasure, and I appreciate you being a part of it with me.

Jenna von Oy's Blog: The Importance of Mommy Me-Time
Reading with Ruby – Courtesy Jenna von Oy

Wishing you all a few moments of blissful respite this week…

Until next time,

– Jenna von Oy

More from Jenna’s blog series:

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Jessica Simpson Shows Off 60-Lb. Weight Loss

11/18/2012 at 03:30 PM EST

Hot mamma alert!

Just more than six months after welcoming daughter Maxwell Drew on May 1 with fiancé Eric Johnson, Jessica Simpson has lost more than 60 lbs. – and she doesn't need to wear anything more revealing than a pair of boot-cut jeans to prove it.

Dressed down in denim and a hot pink blazer, the new mom, 32, showed off her slim figure Saturday at a Tampa, Fla., event for her fashion line, the Jessica Simpson Collection. Two days prior, the Weight Watchers spokesperson posted a sneak peek on Twitter of the commercial she shot for the weight-loss company.

For Simpson, getting back into shape after giving birth hasn't been as easy as whipping up her favorite pregnancy craving, macaroni and cheese.

"My body is not bouncing back like a supermodel," she said in September, the same month she first debuted her post-baby body. "I'm just your everyday woman who is trying to feel good and be healthy for her daughter, her fiancé and herself."

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President Obama Perfects the McKayla Maroney Scowl

11/17/2012 at 01:45 PM EST

Pete Souza/The White House/Getty

Heads up, America: the President is not impressed.

During the U.S. women's gymnastics team's visit to the White House on Thursday, president Barack Obama posed with McKayla Maroney, pulling the apathetic expression that made Maroney an Internet sensation during the Summer Games in London.

Afterwards, the gold medalist, 16 – who's been mimicked by everyone from Maria Menounos to, perhaps inadvertently, Prince William – seemed uncharacteristically, well, impressed.

She Tweeted: "Did I just do the Not Impressed face with the President?"

For those who don't recall, the scowl that sparked a thousand memes originated after Maroney's faulty landing during the individual women's gymnastics vault event in London.

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Justin Bieber & Selena Gomez Reunite in L.A.

11/16/2012 at 04:00 PM EST

Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber in April 2012

Noel Vasquez/Getty

Oh, young love.

Less than a week after PEOPLE confirmed that Justin Bieber, 18, and Selena Gomez, 20, called it quits, the pair reunited in Los Angeles.

On Wednesday, Bieber met Gomez at LAX airport where a source says he picked her up and drove her home.

According to TMZ, which has photos of the pair separately entering the Four Seasons hotel the following morning, Bieber stayed the night at Gomez's house.

Meanwhile, a source close to Gomez tells PEOPLE "of course" Bieber is trying to win his ex back.

Of the initial split, the insider says Gomez "was heartbroken. It wasn't easy." But, the pal says the former Disney star – who was all smiles at the Glamour Women of the Year event in New York earlier this week – is "being a trouper."

With reporting by PERNILLA CEDENHEIM

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Ariel Winter: How Her Family Drama Exploded in Court

11/15/2012 at 04:00 PM EST

Is Ariel Winter's mother an out-of-control child abuser – or a pushy but protective stage mom doing the best she can with a temperamental teenager?

Those are among the issues facing a judge who'll decide as early as Nov. 20 who will raise the 14-year-old Modern Family star: her mother Chrisoula Workman or her 34-year-old sister Shannon Gray.

The long-brewing family drama exploded at an Oct. 3 emergency guardianship hearing, where mother and daughter traded incendiary allegations, according to a newly released court transcript that contains previously unreported claims.

Among them, an attorney for Gray alleged that Ariel had come close to being fired from the ABC comedy several times "because of the mother's harassment and interference."

Troubles on the Set?

"She has been a terror on the set," lawyer Michael Kretzmer told Los Angeles Superior Court judge Michael Levanas. "The producers and others there have expressed grave concern."

He said he had "detailed horror stories" from cast members.

"They're having to sneak this child food because the mother deprives the child of food," Kretzmer claimed, according to the transcript, adding that the allegations were immediately reported to the county's Department of Children and Family Services.

He then held up his iPhone to the judge, showing a photo of Winter.

"The child looks 10 years older than her sister and is dressed up to show off her breasts and otherwise," Kretzmer said. "And the mother does not let the child out of the home without being dressed in a particular way, which is highly inappropriate for a child of this age."

He added, "The child is, apparently, slapped, hit, pushed – not so as to leave marks. Mother is smart enough not to do that," according to the transcript.

Ariel Winter: How Her Family Drama Exploded in Court| Trials & Lawsuits, Modern Family

Ariel Winter and mom Chris Workman

Splash News Online

The Mother Responds

When she joined the hearing later that day, Workman told the judge she's a great mom and that Ariel manufactured the abuse allegations after Workman snuffed Ariel's relationship with an older teenager, Cameron Palatas, an actor on the Disney Channel show A.N.T. Farm.

"I caught my daughter with her boyfriend in bed. She's 14 – he's 18. And I threw him out, and I broke them up," she said. "And ever since I did that, I've paid. And, you know, I had to do it."

Workman added that during the five months that Ariel and Palatas had been dating, there'd been "other things which I told them they can't do."

According to several sources, after the hearing, Workman filed a police complaint with the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department alleging that Palatas made inappropriate sexual contact with Ariel.

Palatas could not be reached for comment. But his mother tells PEOPLE the allegation is unfounded and that the case was closed. An attorney for Workman, however, says the case is still active. The Sheriff's Department declined to comment because the case involves a minor.

Workman also testified that it was easy for her daughter to make the abuse claims because "she can cry at the drop of a hat … you can watch her movies and see it."

She insisted that the court side with her, interjecting "I'm an amazing mother" and "I'm the one who gave birth." She referred to Kretzmer as a "moron," then apologized, according to the transcript.

No Comment from Modern Family

Workman could not be reached Wednesday to respond specifically to allegations of her misbehaving on the Modern Family set. Earlier she gave a blanket denial to PEOPLE of the allegations that she abused or sexualized her daughter.

Cast and producers of Modern Family, as well as ABC reps, have all declined to comment, although show creator Steve Levitan has frequently commended all the child actors for their professionalism and talent, saying they've been integral to the success of the show.

An assistant on Ariel's 2011 movie The Chaperone described mother and daughter as having similar personalities, which could often be prickly. "They were both difficult, but it was definitely more her mother," the assistant tells PEOPLE.

At the emergency hearing, Gray alleged that the abuse didn't start with Ariel. She testified that her mother physically abused her when she was Ariel's age, which led to her living with other family members for three years.

Gray held out hope that her mother could "get help" and return to being a mom. "I would love for my mother and my sister to be able to work out their differences," she told the judge. "This can be better."

The judge took the allegations against Workman seriously enough to give Gray temporary guardianship of Ariel and issue a temporary restraining order against Workman. At the next hearing, he could extend the guardianship or reunite mother and daughter.

With reporting by PATRICK GOMEZ

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Jonah Hill (Almost) Licks Sexiest Man Alive Channing Tatum

11/14/2012 at 04:00 PM EST

Jonah Hill is one guy who definitely agrees with PEOPLE's choice of Channing Tatum as the Sexiest Man Alive!

On Wednesday, Hill Tweeted a photo of himself (practically) licking the cover of PEOPLE, which features a smoldering Tatum showing off his hot body in a white tank top. "@channingtatum you've always been the sexiest man alive to me! (Congrats pal!)," Hill wrote along with the pic.

And Hill would know just how hot Tatum is. The friends costarred in the 2012 remake of 21 Jump Street, in which they play cops who go undercover as high school students to try to bust a drug ring.

Tatum himself seemed more surprised by the Sexiest Man title. When he found out he'd been chosen, he told PEOPLE, "My first thought was, 'Y'all are messing with me.'"

For more of our exclusive interview and photos of Tatum – including more than 180 of your favorite sexiest men – pick up this week's issue of PEOPLE, on newsstands Friday

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Bradley Cooper & Jennifer Lawrence Dance in Silver Linings Playbook (Video)

With impressive performances from Bradley Cooper and Jennifer Lawrence, Silver Linings Playbook may already be an Oscar contender before it even hits theaters.

For Pat (played by Cooper), a former teacher who has just been released from a mental hospital, things get interesting when he gets involved with Tiffany (played by Lawrence), a neighborhood girl with problems of her own.

But with Danny (Chris Tucker) leading the way, Tiffany and Pat unwind as they learn to dance to Stevie Wonder's "Don't You Worry 'Bout a Thing."

The film has been earning praise since it premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival in September.

"They're amazing together, with Lawrence showing incredible range and comic timing in her award-worthy performance," PEOPLE's movie critic Alynda Wheat wrote at the time.

Silver Linings Playbook opens in theaters Wednesday, Nov. 21.

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